Sent North

Spring 2024

Sent North is an attempt to open up a space for young people to explore how they see the world around them and to reclaim the means to shape their representation. It’s a collaboration between myself as photographer and community artist, a group of young people now known as Sent North Collective, and Refugee Council, a UK charity involved in supporting refugees and people seeking sanctuary in the UK. 

“The project is about photography and about Afghanistan, and ourselves, and the situation there and what it is like here. And we met together and talked and chatted” 

Sarwan, member of Sent North Collective 

The group attended a series of collaborative photography sessions in the summer and autumn of 2023. Their work has been made into a book and will be printed in Spring 2024. Whether the work will be shown online is in the hands of the group, but I hope to be able to share more of their wonderful photographs and reflections at some point soon.

Thanks to Refugee Council and Migration Matters Festival for their support in delivering this project.